Terms of Use

Due to the technical and individual nature of each product and/or service, KeyFortress has prepared terms and conditions documents for each of the services, including the information provided on this website.

In this section, you will find our policies and conditions on the use and navigation of this website, which contains information on the practices and policies of our main products and services. This policy is also applicable to other websites such as: KeyFortress.com, KeyFortress.net, KeyFortress.com.br, KeyFortress.co.kr, KeyFortress.jp, and all web pages or sub-pages that show information about our company and our services, licenses and products.

Security Monitoring

KeyFortress monitors network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, deny services, or otherwise cause damage to our information systems, software, and websites.

Any intrusion, attempted intrusion, or activity that violates or contravenes the laws; or these Terms and Conditions of Use, will make the responsible party liable for any corresponding legal actions (civil and/or criminal), and will assume the obligation to indemnify our company for any damages caused.

By using this and all KeyFortress websites and web pages, you agree that you are informed and have read this information in its entirety. If this monitoring reveals evidence of possible abuse of the information service we provide, fraud or criminal activity; such evidence will be handed over to the relevant authorities. Unauthorized attempts to upload or change information on this service or KeyFortress websites are strictly prohibited and are subject to the penalties stipulated by the Computer Crimes Law in United States, as well as other countries where our information is exposed and our integrity is affected.

Secure Exchange of Information

To protect your personal information, when you access any of KeyFortress’s websites or web pages, a data encryption session in transit will be activated using the TLS/SSL (Secure Sockets Layers) protocol. If you receive an error message when clicking on a link to a secure page or form on our websites, make sure that your browser’s security settings support at least TLS 1.2 and/or TLS 1.3.

Limits of Liability for External or Broken Links

KeyFortress’s websites may contain hypertext links (links) to information created and maintained by other organizations or companies, so when reasonable, we will describe an external link with the “(ext)” indicator. KeyFortress does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of any information or privacy policies posted on the sites to which these links lead. Nor do we endorse the organizations that sponsor the sites, the opinions expressed on the sites, or the products or services offered on the sites.

KeyFortress does not authorize or prohibit links to or from our websites, as long as they do not imply an endorsement of or affiliation with our company without proper authorization.

At KeyFortress, we periodically review our websites for broken or outdated links, which may be altered or removed at any time. To report problems with the links on our sites, or for more information about this policy, please contact our local team using the following form.

Consent and Conditions of Use of this Information

If you do not agree with these terms or conditions (policies), you should not use this site and/or other KeyFortress sites. These terms and conditions may be modified or updated periodically. This document and website should be used exclusively for informational, non-commercial purposes.

Policies developed following the guidelines of the United States Federal Trade Commission, www.ftc.gov (ext).